All participants MUST read the following terms and accept them upon registration.
1.Participants must complete the marked course on foot under their own power.
2.Participants are required to be semi self-sufficient. You must have your mandatory equipment with you at all times during the race.
3.Outside assistance is only permitted at the checkpoints. Support crews are only permitted at the checkpoints. Support outside the checkpoints is not allowed, except in an emergency. There is, however, no restriction on buying drinks/food from the shops, restaurants, hawkers and vending machines along the route.
4.Pacers and support runners are strictly prohibited. For the avoidance of doubt, participants are not allowed to be accompanied along the course by anybody who has not entered into the event.
5.Refreshments at the checkpoints are reserved for runners only.
6.Race numbers must be visible at all times on the outside of clothing (at the front).
7.If you withdraw from the event, you must inform event officials and sign the withdrawal form at the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by first aid crews).
8.If you need first aid help on the course you must use the phone numbers printed on your race bib to contact event organisers who will make every effort to retrieve you.
9.Stay on the marked course. Short cuts are strictly prohibited.
10.You must carry the mandatory gear at all times during the event. Random gear checks may be performed during the event. Any participant without the mandatory gear will incur a penalty ranging from a time penalty to disqualification based on the severity of the breach.
11.You must obey directions of checkpoint staff and course marshals at all times. If you miss any cut-off times you must withdraw from the race as instructed.
12.Littering is strictly prohibited.
13.Damaging or disturbing any flora or fauna is strictly prohibited.
14.Doping and the use of prohibited drugs is strictly prohibited.
15.The participant is responsible for the actions of their support crew. Support crews must comply with all instructions from event staff and officials. The participant may be penalised or disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their support crew.
16.Support crews must follow the instructions of all checkpoint staff including requests to vacate certain sections of the checkpoint area. The event organisers are not responsible for the safety or whereabouts of support crew.
17.Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final.
18.Ensure your own safety and that of others. Be considerate of other trail and road users at all times. Take great care when crossing or running on roads. If another runner is injured or in distress, please assist. The race organiser will gladly deduct from your finishing time any time spent assisting an injured or distressed fellow participant.
19.The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.
20.Participants must provide true and accurate information to the organisers. Any wilful dishonesty may render a participant's entry invalid and the organisers reserve the right to amend and / or cancel such participant's entry without compensation.
Breaking any of the rules and requirements of the event may incur a time penalty or disqualification, depending on the severity of the breach.
Any such penalty or disqualification are at the organiser’s discretion and are final.
The following are some types of breaches to highlight:
- Not carrying any of the mandatory gear
- Taking shortcuts and / or not following the official course
- Littering by participant and / or support crew
- Receiving support outside checkpoints
- Using supplies (food, water and equipment) stashed away along the course
- Running with people not registered in the event
- Taking transport
- Using substitute runners
- Deliberately obstructing and/or causing injury to other participants
- Doping and the use of prohibited drugs
- Altering, damaging and/or otherwise tampering with course markings
- Damaging or disturbing any flora or fauna along the course
- Not wearing a race bib
- Continuing after cut-off times
- Not following instructions given by race officials, marshals and emergency attendants and/or volunteers
- Being abusive to race officials, marshals, emergency attendants, other trail users and/or volunteers
- Allowing somebody else to use his / her race bib
- Using a race bib of somebody else
Hong Kong Trail Racing Limited has its own public liability insurance. This does not include personal accident of participants. We recommend that you have your own personal accident cover.
All complaints of misconduct or breach of rules must be made in writing and received by the Race Director within 2 hours of the arrival of the participant concerned. Any ruling made by the Race Director will be final and without appeal.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel or cut short the event for the following reasons:
- adverse weather conditions
- landslides, rockfalls or hill fires along the course
- protests or blockage along the course
- force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organiser and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, protests, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs, blockage or disorder, blocked or inaccessible roads or trails, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism.
1. 參賽者必須自力走或跑畢全程。
2. 參賽者在物資方面除大會所供應的以外應大致自給自足,於比賽期間必須全時間攜帶所有大會所指定的必備物品。
3. 參賽者只可在檢查站接受自行安排的支援隊的協助。除非遭遇緊急情況,否則在檢查站以外的其他地點,一律不得提供支援。然而,參賽者在沿途的商店、餐廳、小販和售賣機購買飲料/食物,則不在此限。
4. 嚴禁陪跑員或支援跑手陪跑。為避免誤會,於比賽路段期間不准許有任何非參賽者陪伴參賽者。
5. 檢查站提供的食物飲料,只供參賽者享用。
6. 參賽編號必須置於上衣前方,於任何時間均清晰可見。
7. 若參賽者退出比賽,均必須通知最近檢查站的負責人員及簽署退出表格(除非於比賽途中的醫療人員協助)。
8. 若參賽者在比賽途中需要救護協助,應撥電號碼布上所載之電話號碼,與主辦機構聯絡,主辦機構人員即會盡力搜尋參賽者。
9. 參賽者應緊隨標示賽道前進,嚴禁另走捷徑,參賽者若被發現違規,將被取消資格。
10. 比賽期間,參賽者必須全時間攜帶各項強制裝備,主辦機構可能會隨機進行裝備檢查。裝備不全的參賽者,可能會受到額外計時以至取消資格等處分,視乎違規嚴重程度而定。
11. 參賽者必須於所有時間遵行檢查站負責人員及賽道糾察的方向指示。若參賽者於檢查站關閉時間前仍未到達,必須根據指示退出比賽。
12. 參賽者不得在沿途亂扔垃圾。
13. 參賽者不得破壞或騷擾任何植物或動物。
14. 參賽者不得服食禁藥或違規藥物。
15. 參賽者須對其支援人員的行為負責。參賽者支援人員必須遵從主辦機構職員和負責人員的一切指示。支援人員如有違規或作出不當行為,參賽者可能會被處分或取消參賽資格。
16. 支援人員必須遵守所有檢查站職員的指示,譬如按職員要求在檢查站區域騰出空間。主辦機構對支援人員的安全或行蹤概不負責。
17. 違反以上規則者可能會招致額外計時或取消參賽資格等處分,是否處分、如何處分由主辦機構全權決定,不設上訴。
18. 參賽者應為自己和他人的安全著想,無論任何時候應顧及路徑的其他使用者。橫過馬路或在馬路路段跑步時應格外小心。若遇其他參賽者受傷或不適,應加以援手。參賽者為協助受傷或不適的其他跑手而耽誤的時間,將在其完成時間中扣除。
19. 主辦機構保留酌情修改比賽規則、路線及/或其他安排的權利。
20. 參加者必須提供真實、準確的資料于主辦機構。任何蓄意欺騙可能會導致參加者的登記無效。主辦方保留更改和/或取消該參加者的比賽資格,亦不會向參加者作任何賠償。
Hong Kong Trail Racing Limited已有公眾責任保險。這並不包括參賽者的個人意外保險。大會建議參賽者購買個人意外保險。
1. 參賽者必須自力走或跑畢全程。
2. 參賽者在物資方面除大會所供應的以外應大致自給自足,於比賽期間必須全時間攜帶所有大會所指定的必備物品。
3. 參賽者只可在檢查站接受自行安排的支援隊的協助。除非遭遇緊急情況,否則在檢查站以外的其他地點,一律不得提供支援。然而,參賽者在沿途的商店、餐廳、小販和售賣機購買飲料/食物,則不在此限。
4. 嚴禁陪跑員或支援跑手陪跑。為避免誤會,於比賽路段期間不准許有任何非參賽者陪伴參賽者。
5. 檢查站提供的食物飲料,只供參賽者享用。
6. 參賽編號必須置於上衣前方,於任何時間均清晰可見。
7. 若參賽者退出比賽,均必須通知最近檢查站的負責人員及簽署退出表格(除非於比賽途中的醫療人員協助)。
8. 若參賽者在比賽途中需要救護協助,應撥電號碼布上所載之電話號碼,與主辦機構聯絡,主辦機構人員即會盡力搜尋參賽者。
9. 參賽者應緊隨標示賽道前進,嚴禁另走捷徑,參賽者若被發現違規,將被取消資格。
10. 比賽期間,參賽者必須全時間攜帶各項強制裝備,主辦機構可能會隨機進行裝備檢查。裝備不全的參賽者,可能會受到額外計時以至取消資格等處分,視乎違規嚴重程度而定。
11. 參賽者必須於所有時間遵行檢查站負責人員及賽道糾察的方向指示。若參賽者於檢查站關閉時間前仍未到達,必須根據指示退出比賽。
12. 參賽者不得在沿途亂扔垃圾。
13. 參賽者不得破壞或騷擾任何植物或動物。
14. 參賽者不得服食禁藥或違規藥物。
15. 參賽者須對其支援人員的行為負責。參賽者支援人員必須遵從主辦機構職員和負責人員的一切指示。支援人員如有違規或作出不當行為,參賽者可能會被處分或取消參賽資格。
16. 支援人員必須遵守所有檢查站職員的指示,譬如按職員要求在檢查站區域騰出空間。主辦機構對支援人員的安全或行蹤概不負責。
17. 違反以上規則者可能會招致額外計時或取消參賽資格等處分,是否處分、如何處分由主辦機構全權決定,不設上訴。
18. 參賽者應為自己和他人的安全著想,無論任何時候應顧及路徑的其他使用者。橫過馬路或在馬路路段跑步時應格外小心。若遇其他參賽者受傷或不適,應加以援手。參賽者為協助受傷或不適的其他跑手而耽誤的時間,將在其完成時間中扣除。
19. 主辦機構保留酌情修改比賽規則、路線及/或其他安排的權利。
20. 參加者必須提供真實、準確的資料于主辦機構。任何蓄意欺騙可能會導致參加者的登記無效。主辦方保留更改和/或取消該參加者的比賽資格,亦不會向參加者作任何賠償。
- 沒有攜帶指定裝備中的任何一項
- 走捷徑及/或不根據大會比賽路線作賽
- 參賽者及/或其支援人員亂拋垃圾
- 於檢查站外接受支援
- 於賽道預先隱藏然後利用各類物資(包括食物、飲料及其他輔助工具)
- 非參賽者陪跑
- 乘坐交通工具
- 他人代跑
- 阻礙及/或導致其他參賽者受傷
- 服食禁藥
- 更改或破壞比賽路線指示牌
- 破壞或騷擾任何植物或動物
- 不展示號碼布
- 檢查站關閉後仍繼續比賽
- 不遵守大會、糾察及應付緊急事故工作人員及/或義工的指示
- 辱罵大會、糾察、應付緊急事故工作人員及/或義工,以及其他行山人仕
- 將號碼布給予其他人使用
- 使用他人的號碼布
Hong Kong Trail Racing Limited已有公眾責任保險。這並不包括參賽者的個人意外保險。大會建議參賽者購買個人意外保險。
- 不利的天氣情況
- 山泥傾瀉、大量落山及比賽路線發生山火
- 抗議示威或路線被封閉
- 不可抗力,即發生超出主辦單位所能控制的事件和令舉辦比賽成為不可能,不安全或不切實際的情況。 不可抗力事件包括但不限於天災、戰爭、敵對行為、侵略、叛亂、革命、起義、暴動、騷亂、罷工、怠工、禁工或動亂、堵塞或不能通過道路或山徑、疾病的爆發以及恐怖主義行為和威脅。
- 若此等情況發生,大會將不會退回登記費用(及任何慈善捐款)。