- Participants can leave one drop/support bag for CP5 (Kei Ling Ha) and the Finish. Two drop bags will be provided to you during race pack collection period (Approximate size: 45cm (W) x 50cm (H)). Please ensure that the bags are tagged with the correct baggage stickers provided. You might like to include extra food, spare socks, clothing, anti-chafing cream, blister packs, batteries, spare light, etc. Only one bag per person is permitted to be dropped at each of CP5 and the Finish.
- The support bags must be dropped with the organisers on the morning of the race. There will be 2 separate drop gear areas at the starting point of the race. You should leave your drop bag(s) under the appropriate drop area for CP5 and the Finish.
- At CP5 and the Finish, there will be an area marked for collecting drop bags.
- After a participant passes through CP5, his or her bag will be transported to the Finish.
- Runners must collect their drop bags at the finish either by themselves or by a representative. Any bags not collected at this time may be disposed of.
- Please note that the race organisers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any items in the drop bags. Runners are advised not to leave any valuable items or important identification papers (eg passport) in the bags.
Extra luggage
- Participants who need to leave extra luggage (in addition to the drop bags) will be charged HK$200 for each item. You will need to purchase a luggage tag either during online registration, race pack pick up or at the Start on event day.
- All extra luggage will be transported directly to the Finish (and not CP5 Kei Ling Ha).
- 參賽者可在5號檢查站(企嶺下)和終點站各寄存一個補給包。,補給包大概尺寸為45cm闊 x 50cm高 ,包含在選手物資包內。參賽者請於補給包貼上大會派發的5號檢查站和終點行李貼紙。參賽者可放置食糧、替換襪子、衣物、防擦膏、水泡護理包、電芯、備用照明等於補給包內。每位參賽者只可於5號檢查站及終點各寄存一個補給包。
- 補給包必須於比賽當日早上交予主辦機構。起步點將分設2個寄存區,分別收集在5號檢查站取用以及在終點站取用的補給包,參賽者應將其補給包放置在正確的寄存區。
- 5號檢查站和終點站將設有寄存補給包取用區。
- 當參賽者經過5號檢查站後,其5號檢查站補給包將被送到終點。
- 參賽者必須親身或委託他人於終點前領回寄存補給包。未取回的補給包,主辦機構將自行處置。
- 敬請注意寄,補給包內物件如有任何損失或損毀,賽事主辦機構概不負責。參賽者不宜在補給包內放置任何貴重物品或重要文件(例如護照)。
- 若參賽者有額外行李(除兩個補給包外),每件額外行李需付港幣200元正用作寄存費,請於網上登記時、領取選手包或於比賽日的起點購買行李牌。
- 所有額外行李只會直接被送到終點(不會送到5號檢查站企嶺下)。
- Each participant can leave one tagged bag at the Start / Finish for collection afterwards.
- The bag must be deposited at the designated drop bag point at the Start on the morning of the race.
- Runners must collect their drop bags at the finish either by themselves or by a representative. Any bags not collected on race day may be disposed of.
- Please note that the race organisers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any items in the drop bags.
- Runners are advised not to leave any valuable items or important identification papers (eg passport) in the bags.
- 每位參加者可以在起點 / 終點寄存一個帶標籤的寄存行李,完賽後取回。
- 參加者的寄存行李需要寄存在起點 / 終點指定地方。
- 參賽者必須親身或委託他人於終點前領回寄存行李。未取回的寄存行李,主辦機構將自行處置。
- 敬請注意寄存行李內物件如有任何損失或損毀,賽事主辦機構概不負責。
- 參賽者不宜在寄存行李內放置任何貴重物品或重要文件(例如護照)。